Tag Archive | EVANGELISM

A WORD FROM THE SPIRIT – The Back Side of 40


Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep will Scatter…. or take out the Generals and the Regimes Crumble!! It is and always has been the strategy of War!! Though our enemy cannot always be seen; I assure you he is there waiting on our human blunders to allow his plan to kill, steal, and destroy to […]


Heavenly Father we adore you; you are the keeper of our souls and we thank you for being our shield in every season of our lives. Lord we lift up those who are battling with various health issues and we ask that our outstretched hands travel across the distances and touch them through the spirit […]

The Ultimate Life

Joining a denomination; whether it is Baptist, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Calvinist, Methodist, Catholic or Kingdom, etc. is NOT a prerequisite for Heaven! However; what is a prerequisite for heaven is the acknowledgment of the birth, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and receiving Him into your heart as your Saviour!! Religion causes disunity, Churches […]

The Spirit Speaks ~The Fall

I find it somewhat perplexing as to how a person can go through life altering situations and come out the other side still being the exact same person they were before the event occurred; yet some still do!  It has to be the spirit of pride still operating in them; that narcissistic sense of self […]

The Divine Exchange

My testimony: The manifest presence of Christ

Prayer ~Be Blessed

Heavenly Father we love you and we worship you with great adoration. You are the beginning and the end; the creator of all of our life stories. We thank you for writing us into the book of life and calling us out of the valley of darkness. May we go forward with the boldness of […]

Devotion ~ Molding Your Character

Our Character is a reflection of our inner self….Motives or dreams and goals are the seeds that are planted in our spirits that cause us to pursue our purpose. As we pursue our purpose our character; our mind, our will and our emotions…start to emulate our reasons for that pursuit. Although our plans may change […]

Love…It still Moves Mountains

Love…It still Moves Mountains!! By the grace received through His adorning power, you have been granted the ability to speak life into every situation and remove the obstacles standing in the way of your destiny!! Speak lovingly, with faith in your heart and conviction embedded in your soul. Speaking is the first action taken in […]

A Word from the Spirit~Let it Flourish, Let it Fly!

When your vision contradicts your surroundings, do not be crushed by the weight of the destiny, instead learn to lift the weight and become stronger, become wiser, and move forward toward the person you know that you have been created to be!! Do not allow anyone to deter you from your destiny, whether they are […]